2012年9月3日 星期一


「德育及國民教育獨立成科」一事,已到了不能沉默、必須以實際行動聲援我們下一代的時候。我們草擬了以下聯署宣言綱領(參見下文),希望各位同工能加入。由於涉及具體行動及可能出現的後援及義教,我們希望邀請碩士 (研究生或修課生) 或以上學歷,或全職/兼職/曾在大專院校或各民間學術機構任教、從事研究及統籌學術工作,或擁有教學資歷的文化工作者等朋友參與聯署和義教;「青年」的定義,全憑赤子之心;身在境外,亦無任歡迎。




Colleagues, Friends,

Regarding the implementation of “Moral and National Education” as an independent subject, we, as young scholars, feel that we can stay silent no longer. The time has come for us to give our support to our next generation, and we have drafted the following declaration (see below). In lieu of future activities, we would like to invite individuals with Masters (Taught or Research) qualifications or above, lecturers (Part-time or Full-time, current or past), or individuals who are currently pursuing research, teaching or administrative jobs in various academic institutions to become signatories to our declaration. Regardless of age and location, all are welcome. For those who are interested in becoming signatories, please kindly provide our secretariat with the following information:

  1. Name, current employment /highest obtained academic qualification  (e.g. Ms. Li Siu Ling, PhD Candidate in Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  2. Current Location of Residence (If you currently reside outside Hong Kong but are interested in joining in our voluntary teaching are welcome to participate in designing course materials)
  3. Willing / Unwilling to participate in voluntary teaching / If yes, please state your strongest subject (Preferably subjects in the Secondary / Primary Curriculum)
  4. Secondary / Primary School (For monitoring teaching materials of various schools. We will do our best to distribute our participants according to their Alma Mater)
We will post regular updates on our website http://nationaleducationpetition.blogspot.com, and plan to advertise our declaration within the week. Towards this end we appeal to our signatories to each donate $100 HKD as the advertising fee (Our secretariat will pass you the details once the bank account has been set up). Should there be any money left over, the remaining funds will be used for the daily operation of our cause in the future, or will be donated fully to other organizations that share our beliefs regarding National Education.

Due to our high demand for voluntary teachers, we hope that you will pass the message along to others who share your drive and passion, inviting them to join in by sending an email to youngscholarpetition@gmail.com, or by calling (+852) 98193696. Once we have ascertained your identity, we will post your name on our website and advertisements. Due to the rushed nature of this declaration, we apologize for any mistakes caused, and ask for your kind understanding in the matter.